Nobody likes to see the sudden flashing red and blue lights behind them while driving a motor vehicle.  However, enforcement is one of the most effective countermeasures to achieving a reduction of traffic crash fatalities and injuries. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that when the perceived risk of getting caught by law enforcement goes up, the likelihood that people will engage in unsafe driving behaviors goes down.

In addition to saving lives and preventing injuries on our roadways, studies show that traffic enforcement also helps to reduce crime.  During a traffic stop, law enforcement officers may come across individuals who have a warrant for their arrest, discover drugs and stolen items, and much more.  With many law enforcement agencies experiencing a reduction in the number of officers, numerous agencies are now using a multifaceted approach to making their community a safer place to live, work, and enjoy.

The Transportation Improvement Association (TIA) remains committed to providing its member agencies with the resources they need to save lives and prevent injuries. Seminars for law enforcement officers, finding an answer to a traffic safety question, speaking at community events, providing traffic crash summaries that identify specific problem locations and time periods for targeted enforcement, and a number of other services are available to assist the law enforcement community.

Furthermore, TIA manages the overtime law enforcement grants in Oakland County. These grants are provided by the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning, and generally assist with alcohol and safety belt enforcement.