Since 1967, the Transportation Improvement Association (TIA) has been one of the leading safety agencies in the world. Created by more than two-hundred government and corporate leaders, TIA is committed to identifying transportation safety issues that negatively impact our communities, and developing inclusive and equitable solutions that can be implemented to save lives, prevent injuries, and improve mobility.

Focusing on the Four E’s of safety (Engineering, Education, Enforcement, and EMS), TIA provides traffic engineering services to its government members. Furthermore, TIA conducts public education and professional training.

TIA has been recognized at the national and international levels for its leadership in transportation safety. In 2008, the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government awarded TIA for “Top 50 Programs of the 2008 Innovations in American Government.” In a 2006 Federal Highway Administration publication titled, “Innovative Intersection Safety Improvement Strategies and Management Practices: A Domestic Scan,” TIA and the Road Commission for Oakland County were recognized as a best practice. Most recently, TIA’s “Remembering Ally: Distracted Driving Awareness Campaign” was one of five traffic safety programs in the nation to receive a Peter K. O’Rourke Award during 2013. It also received a 2012 Outstanding Traffic Safety Achievement Award from the Michigan Governor’s Traffic Safety Advisory Commission. A component of the campaign, a realistic distracted driving crash education video, received an Eclipse Award for production excellence and has been viewed in more than 90 countries.